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Friday, October 9, 2015

Gifted person,Nik Thakkar

              Fur coat image - by Joseph Sinclair                                                      by Magda Durka
         Mink jacket by Domingo Rodriguez/Saga Mink                                   Jacket by Unconditional
                                                                                                                          Shirt by Dior
                                                                                                               Harem shorts by Physical Novel
     There is an opinion, if the person is talented, his talent englobes all spheres. Nik Thakkar is the man who gets down to business and makes it brilliantly to the very end ! Also he works as  London-based brand consultant and director of Nephew London, but best known for his blog KARLISMYUNKLE. He agreed to share with us his talents and some of his looks. Polite and affable, Nik Thakkar.

with Diane Pernet image by Matthew Zorpas

Jacket by J Lindeberg BLK DNM
T-shirt - collaboration piece by Asher Levine and Nicola     Formichetti
Trousers - Yukio MishibaHat - KARLISMYUNKLE bespoke
Bag - YSL

                                                      by Terence Webb
                                                 Jacket by Asger Juel Larsen
                                                Shorts by Alexander McQueen

                     Thanx, Nik.

                     BLOG |  TWITTER 

1 comment:

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